Dear ORC Family and Friends:
Have you ever been in that situation, where over the holidays, someone you don’t expect gives you a gift and you haven’t got one for them? Oops! Been there and done that! Well, we have a suggestion for you, if you should find yourself in that situation. You can MAKE A DONATION in that person’s honour and let them know about it by sending them an e-card at the same time. They too, can be a partner with us in ministry through your thoughtfulness and generosity! What a unique gift idea!! 

We even have our year-end campaign, Cities of Refuge, as an option for your gift! The aim of this campaign is to provide a permanent chapel at our Head Office location in Severn, Ontario. This will allow us to can reach even more truckers with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our goal is $32,000 toward this project.
Want to honour someone? You can donate, in their honour, through our secure donation form on our website, by clicking on the following link: https://www.openroadchapels.ca/donation-form/
You can donate through CanadaHelps by clicking the following link:
It’s almost midnight. You still have time. Thank you for your gift! God bless!